Participate with your class to show your school spirit! The high school class and the elementary class who show the most participation will each win a pizza party lunch.

MONDAY – Sweatpants/ Sweatshirts Day

Be comfy, but also be neat and tasteful!

Pants may include a brand name or logo on the leg.

Sweatshirts may display Christian colleges/organizations/music/verses as well as professional sports teams.

(Must wear both to receive full participation credit.)

TUESDAY – Mismatched/ Crazy Hair/Hat Day

Go crazy with wild colors and patterns that you would never put together on a normal day! So wear those clothes that don’t match or your most unusual hairstyle or that unique hat you wouldn’t be caught dead in on any other school day. You may do one crazy thing or all three.

WEDNESDAY – Meme/ Bible Character Day

Elementary kids can enjoy dressing up as their favorite Bible hero. High school kids will have the option of doing either a meme or a Bible character. Keep in mind that memes must be tastefully represented in an inoffensive way that is not directed at others.

THURSDAY – Decades Day

Each class/homeroom will visit a past (or future??) period of time where they will dress in the garb of a particular decade. So check out some old photos as you transport to another time.

FRIDAY – Patriotic Day (Red /White /Blue)

Show your love of country by wearing all three colors! Jean may count as your blue. You may wear an appropriate American flag shirt, but you must wear all three colors to receive credit.

We ask that you use wisdom, modesty, and common sense when dressing up.

Wait! There’s more!

In addition to dress up days, there are other opportunities for your class to gain participation points.

Each class is encouraged to create a banner to be presented at the Pep Rally on Friday, February 18th. In addition, each class will create a unique class handshake or wave, also presented at the Pep Rally. Non-homeroom/class staff will vote on the best banner and handshake, and the winners will receive participation points added to their dress-up days scores.

One more thing- There will be a lip-syncing competition on one of the Spirit Week days (TBA). Songs must be submitted with lyrics and artist name and approved by Mrs. Venturini and Mrs. Long. You may perform as a group or as a solo artist. The winner(s) will receive a free jeans pass.

So many opportunities to show your school spirit! Let’s make this the best Spirit Week ever!!!!!!

If you have any questions at all about SPIRIT WEEK, just email them to Mrs. Venturini

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