The time to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child is almost upon us.  This year our event will take place on November 21st for high school and November 22nd for elementary.

Again, this year, each class will be given a time slot to go to the Welch Room where all the items will be organized by category on various tables. The students will go from table-to-table choosing items for their shoeboxes. They will then go back to their designated classroom to pack up the boxes and enclose their pictures and handwritten letters. Please note that if the students have collected some items on their own that they would like included in the packing, they should bring those items to include in their shoebox. We are still taking donations of new items like, small toys, washcloths, soap, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, crayons, small stuffed animals, combs, hair accessories, solar calculators, small balls, socks, and flip-flops.

The cost to fill and send a box will be $12.00, which includes $9.00 for the shipping label and $3.00 for the items. While Mrs. Berger (alumni parent and former teacher/ principal) did an excellent job of finding items at minimal cost, there is still a cost involved. In addition to paying for the items, we also try to cover shipping for those families who simply do not have the $9.00 fee.  We do not want any of our students to miss participating in this life-changing ministry, so we will do our best to work with those families for whom the $12.00 might be a financial burden.

You can choose to send in the $9.00 shipping fee and we will take care of the label, or you can go on the Samaritan’s Purse website ( and pay for the label yourself. You would then have to print it out for your student to bring in to school to place on his/her shoebox. Paying for your label online gives you the advantage of being able to track the progress of your package as it travels to its destination. If you choose to purchase the label online, you will still need to send in the $3.00 to cover the cost of items packed in the shoeboxes.

Please encourage your child to write a letter or card to place in the box, perhaps with their picture. We know the recipients love to connect a face to their package. We also ask that you pray for the child receiving the box that your student packs. There are some amazing stories about how a child’s specific need was met with an OCC shoebox.

Thank you for your cooperation and prayers as we seek to glorify the Lord through our endeavors in supporting Operation Christmas Child.

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